Are you sure you want to make new friend? If so, you are in the right place.
Source: kemosi
Making friends nowadays is really not easy, am sure you will agree with me because, at one point or the other you might have been faced with this problem of socializing.
Research have shown that many teenagers suffer from friends making problem. Now let's solve the problem
These are 10 simple steps that will improve your chances of making new friends
What makes you feel that people don't like hanging around you? check your heart, maybe its not that you are not fun to be with, maybe u have characters that you really have to work on. For example, you don't know how to talk, you talk disrespectfully, those are the things you need to work on if you really want to make sincere friends.
2. Open your heart ♥ ♥ ♥
Now you have solved those inner problems, you now wanna have a fresh start. Opening your heart here means believing in other people, creating a connection with people you are not yet sure of . Be open minded and expect the worst, be ready to accept people the way they are.
Don't be scared to make the first move at people, maybe they have been waiting for you all along. BE bold, smile and be accommodating
4. Join a club ♣ ♣ ♣
Joining a club or an organization will give you an edge because in a club you all have the same goal, the same purpose and want to achieve the same goal together. you guys have to do that in unity and you can't really be united when you don't know yourselves. At this pointπ, You will have lots of opportunities to talk to people. That's your opportunity don't let it pass you by.
You volunteer to do stuffs for your new clique. This way people get to see that you really are a nice person and hanging around you won't be bad. When you do this you have lots of chances to make friends, infact am sure you are already creating your own clique doing this. This is one of the best strategies. Don't loose your chances.
I guess you are already talking to people if you followed the steps very well. But there are some strategies you need to follow if you really want to keep this guys as your friends
a. Start a conversation: say something, start up an interesting conversation that will be of benefit to your soon to be friend and see how it flows.
b. Make eye contact and always smile☺☺
When you do this, you give them a chance to trust you, so smile always and maintain eye contact.
c. Introduce yourself: do this as the conversation starts flowing. Know your soon to be friend, try to be inquisitive about the person, but in a much friendly way, making sure the person knows you mean no harm. Then tell them about yourself.
d. Be quite sensitive: be sensitive to your soon to be friend, know when you have said something you not suppose to say to him or her, know when you should stop, when you should ask more and so on.
7. Be interested in their lives positively:
Want the good for your new found friend, don't be selfish, be honest don't feel small to say what you feel and most of all don't be jealous. Jealously is one of the worst things, it kills friendship, no matter how long the friendship have lasted. I bet you don't want to start your friendship on that note. Be happy for him or her.
8.choose your friends wisely
There is an old adage which says that "your friend will determine how far you go in life". Am sure as you are looking for that new friend you also want to prosper in your own self, so this requires wiseness. Looking for a friend is not really the problem, the problem is looking for that one that can also help you better than how they met you. So be careful choosing that perfect friend.
9. Be slow to offence
This says it all, keeping a friend is a lot harder than it seems, you don't want to lose that special friend, so be accommodating and don't be mean. you have a right to tell them they are wrong. But do so in love π π
10. Be reliable and be loyal
Personally I love reliable people. Nobody wants friends that are in and out. Let your friends trust you. that alone makes you a great friend. Be loyal...dont be a fake friend, be loyal to that friend you wanna keep your secrets with and when they tell you theirs protect it the way they protect yours.